Contact me at
if you are interested in commissions/ licensing, or even if you would like to have a chat :)

I’d love to work with you!
Treey Chen is a Chinese illustrator currently based in Shanghai.
She’s addicted to literature and old stuff.
Her work mainly explore ideas of nature, philosophy, citylife and beauty.She wants to create sensitive and nostalgic visual poems with her private feelings and memories.
Selected Clients
GQ, Netsle, 招商银行, 乐乐趣, 十月少年文学
Iconography, Nanjing University of Arts
Children’s Book Illustration,
Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University
2022 Bologna Children's Book Fair | Finalisted
3*3 student show No.18 | Distinguished Merit
2021 iJungle illustration awards | Merit
Nami Island International Picture Book Illustration Concours 2021 | Distinction
2020& 2021 Communication Arts | Shortlisted
3*3 student show No.17 | Silver Medal
Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition No. 2 | People's Choice Award& No. 3 Key Visual Design
Hiii Illustration Competition No.16 | Merit